5 SaaS Metrics You’re Probably Ignoring

Are you tired of staring at the same old metrics day in and day out? MRR, CAC, CLV – sure, they’re important, but let’s face it: they’re the vanilla ice cream of the SaaS world. Delicious? Yes. Exciting? Not so much. But what if we told you there are secret ingredients that could take your SaaS sundae from “meh” to “mind-blowing”? We’re about to dive into five unconventional KPIs that could be the key to unlocking your next growth spurt.

Time-to-Value (TTV): The Speed Dating of SaaS

Picture this: You’re on a first date, and your partner spends the entire evening talking about their cat’s Instagram account. How likely are you to stick around for date number two? That’s right – about as likely as a user sticking with your product if they can’t see its value quickly.

TTV is how long it takes for your users to go from “Huh?” to “Holy cow, this is awesome!” The faster, the better.

Why it matters

Because in the world of SaaS, patience isn’t just a virtue – it’s practically extinct. If users can’t see the value of your product faster than they can say “unsubscribe,” you’re in trouble.

How to track it

Start timing from the moment a user signs up to when they hit their first “aha!” moment. Is it when they set up their first campaign? Integrate your API? Whatever it is, make it snappy!

Pro tip

Think of your onboarding like a roller coaster. Get users to the top of that first hill quickly, and let the excitement carry them through the rest of the ride!

Feature Adoption Rate: The Buffet Principle

Imagine you’re at an all-you-can-eat buffet. You paid for access to everything, but you’re only eating the bread rolls. That’s essentially what’s happening when users aren’t adopting key features of your product.

Feature adoption rate is the percentage of users actually using specific features of your product. Think of it as your product’s “popularity contest.”

Why it matters

Low adoption could mean your UX is more “ux-cruciating” than exciting, or worse – you’ve built features nobody wants. Ouch.

How to track it

Use in-app analytics to see which features are the belle of the ball and which are wallflowers. Bonus points if you can break it down by user segments!

Pro tip

If a feature is being ignored more than a vegetable platter at a kid’s birthday party, it might be time for a redesign – or a graceful retirement.

Customer Health Score: The SaaS Fitbit

Just like how your Fitbit tells you if you’ve been a couch potato or a marathon runner, the Customer Health Score gives you a SaaS metrics  snapshot of how your customers are doing.

Customer health score is a composite score that tells you if a customer is thriving or barely surviving, based on their usage, engagement, and support needs.

Why it matters

It’s your early warning system. A dropping score is like a “check engine” light for your customer relationships.

How to track it

Assign values to different behaviors (logins, feature usage, support tickets), then create a weighted score. Voila! Customer health at a glance.

Pro tip

When you see a score dropping, don’t panic – intervene! It’s your chance to be the hero and save the day (and the customer).

Expansion MRR Rate: The “Size Up” Special of SaaS Metrics

Remember how fast-food joints always ask if you want to “size up” your meal? That’s basically what Expansion MRR is all about – getting existing customers to spend more.

Expansion MRR rate is the extra revenue you’re squeezing out of your current customer base through upsells, cross-sells, or add-ons.

Why it matters

Because keeping a customer is cheaper than finding a new one, and happy customers are more likely to supersize their subscriptions.

How to track it

Keep an eye on the increase in MRR from existing customers. Are they upgrading? Buying add-ons? Treat every expansion like a mini celebration!

Pro tip

If your Expansion MRR is higher than your churn rate, congratulations! You’ve achieved “negative churn,” the holy grail of SaaS metrics.

Support Ticket Volume by Customer Segment: The Squeaky Wheel Detector

You know the saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”? Well, in SaaS, the squeaky customer segment gets the… refactor?

It’s tracking how many support tickets come from different customer groups or pricing tiers.

Why it matters

If one group is flooding your support inbox more than a celebrity’s Twitter mentions, something’s up. It could be a usability issue, a feature gap, or a mismatch in expectations.

How to track it

Tag support tickets by customer segment and watch for patterns. Are your enterprise customers constantly confused? Are freemium users asking for features they don’t have access to?

Pro tip

Use this data to inform your product roadmap. If a particular segment is struggling, it might be time for some targeted TLC.

The Grand Finale: Putting Your SaaS Metrics All Together

There you have five unconventional KPIs that could be the secret sauce to your SaaS success. While the traditional metrics are still important (don’t throw out that vanilla ice cream just yet), these hidden gems can offer deeper insights into your customer journey, satisfaction, and growth potential. By keeping an eye on Time-to-Value, Feature Adoption Rate, Customer Health Score, Expansion MRR, and Support Ticket Volume by Segment, you’ll be better equipped to:

  1. Predict customer behavior (before they ghost you)
  2. Enhance retention (keep ’em coming back for more)
  3. Ensure sustainable growth (because rollercoasters are only fun at amusement parks)

The most successful companies aren’t just crunching numbers – they’re telling stories with their data. Make sure your story is a bestseller. Dive into these metrics and watch your SaaS transform from a plain vanilla sundae to a triple-chocolate-fudge-brownie extravaganza with extra sprinkles!

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