
Webapper is a full-service digital agency with capabilities across web design, development and marketing. We share articles on marketing concepts, industry news and important trends.

Your Personal Brand in a SaaS Business

Ever wondered if putting yourself out there alongside your product is worth the effort? Your personal brand can be a powerful asset in the competitive SaaS landscape—or a potential liability if managed poorly. We'll explore the advantages and pitfalls of personal branding in SaaS, plus look at some industry heavyweights who've mastered the art of blending personal and company brands for maximum impact.

Your Personal Brand in a SaaS Business2025-03-11T11:21:32-07:00

Leveraging AI in SEO for SaaS Companies

The team at Webapper has been working on search engine optimization (SEO) since the early days of the web. Clearly, SEO things have changed over time. Today, AI technology is transforming SEO strategies for SaaS companies. AI offers significant advantages but also poses notable challenges. By understanding the impact of AI in SEO for SaaS, you can maximize the benefits while you simultaneously address potential downsides...

Leveraging AI in SEO for SaaS Companies2024-05-15T13:02:55-07:00

Automated Digital Marketing Using AI

We embrace automated digital marketing using AI properly to deliver better customer experiences. Today we analyze what went wrong with this particular note and then share some ideas on using AI and automation in your marketing. Done correctly, AI marketing leverages customer data and AI concepts like machine learning to anticipate your customer’s next move and improve the customer journey.

Automated Digital Marketing Using AI2021-12-02T21:22:32-08:00

How to Improve Email Deliverability with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

Email marketing can be a powerful tool in any organization's toolbox. If an email is read, it can deliver significant return on investment. Raising your sender reputation is a means of getting to more inboxes. And that's why we're here to explain how to improve email deliverability with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

How to Improve Email Deliverability with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC2022-10-05T16:24:30-07:00

SaaS Monetization Primer

SaaS monetization is the process of deriving revenue from the value you offer from your software solution to your users. If you can’t monetize your SaaS application, then your development effort could end up as a life lesson instead of a fat bank account. And with the challenges of small budgets and slow revenue growth, it’s critical that SaaS companies deliver software that matchese evolving market landscapes.

SaaS Monetization Primer2022-09-14T22:30:05-07:00

Creating Your Foundation for SaaS Marketing

If you're marketing (or planning to market) software as a service, you have a significant amount of work ahead. Having worked on a few different SaaS products, we have seen the difficulties firsthand. When marketing works, it's super fun. When prospects ignore you, it's demotivating. We'll outline a strategic framework for creating your foundation for SaaS marketing.

Creating Your Foundation for SaaS Marketing2022-09-14T22:30:27-07:00

How to Run a Smart Content Marketing Campaign

Content marketing became all the rage around 2010. So much so that Google famously changed their search algorithm (the Panda update) to wipe out "content farms" that sucked up traffic with useless results. Since the goal of search engines is to answer your question in the best possible way, spammy results suck. So search engines now specifically address the searcher's intent — what are they really looking for? And the way search engines know how to respond is a wild cocktail of factors, including things like "the words on the page", the popularity of the page, and the popularity of the website containing the page. And that's what makes executing a smart content marketing campaign more important than ever. It's a long-term strategy that works, as shown in our examples. Your digital plans should include some of these ideas.

How to Run a Smart Content Marketing Campaign2021-05-03T17:03:40-07:00

Marketing During the Pandemic

Webapper doesn’t profess to have all the answers for navigating such turbulent times. As we reflect on what we see in the market and review our own situation, we seek clarity. We hope we can help others handle their businesses more effectively in this challenging period. Here are some ideas to jump start your efforts for marketing during the pandemic.

Marketing During the Pandemic2021-05-03T17:16:59-07:00

Tools to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

Organic search traffic is highly desirable. You know, when someone types in the phrase about what you do, and you show up at the top of Google, that's worth a great deal to your business. So your search engine ranking matters. Even if you’re not a web developer or someone managing the day-to-day progress of your website, you may be wise to learn a few of the key website management tools available. That way, you won't be bamboozled by SEO "Snake Oil Salesmen" (SOSs), or perhaps your own IT person/department. Understanding these tools will help you make informed decisions for your business, from where to invest resources to who your customers really are. Here are 10 tools to help improve your search engine ranking.

Tools to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking2021-05-03T17:19:51-07:00
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