
Webapper consults with many SMBs. We share our knowledge and experience on business topics to help fuel manageable business growth.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in SaaS

AI is permeating everyday life at a rapid clip, especially with the emergence of ChatGPT. But we've only scratched the surface. SaaS applications will see strong growth in AI integrations, including machine learning. The combination of AI/ML in SaaS is powerful, and it will dramatically impact our productivity and capabilities for years to come.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in SaaS2023-05-25T19:09:38-07:00

The Rise of Mobile-First SaaS

In SaaS, it's apparent that most products are developed for desktop first. Given the nature of our hybrid work environment today, many tech experts predict that mobile apps will become increasingly dominant. SaaS businesses that fail to offer mobile-friendly solutions risk losing customers and falling behind their competitors. We see a significant growth opportunity for mobile-first SaaS products.

The Rise of Mobile-First SaaS2023-04-05T19:50:32-07:00

The Rise of MicroSaaS

Software-as-a-Service is huge. A staggering 99% of companies will use at least one SaaS product by the end of 2023. SaaS niches are dominated by a handful of vendors. For example, in CRM, it's Salesforce, Hubspot, ClickUp and Monday. Competitive markets don't preclude innovation though -- we're seeing the emergence of micro solutions to augment these big players. Witness the rise of microSaaS products.

The Rise of MicroSaaS2023-03-30T21:32:25-07:00

Building a SaaS Unicorn

Today, let's take a moment to dream big (we're overdue for an aspirational article). What if you were actually building a SaaS unicorn? It's possible -- so far, over a thousand startups have reached valuations over $1 billion. If becoming a unicorn was easy, everyone would do it, right? Not everyone can, but if you look at SaaS unicorns, you'll see some repeating themes.

Building a SaaS Unicorn2022-11-16T23:09:18-08:00

Building a SaaS Business Is Like Playing Baseball

If you're a baseball fan, we're entering the most wonderful time of the year: MLB playoffs and the World Series. In business, we use so many metaphors from baseball, and with the season upon us, we realized how much building SaaS is like playing baseball. Step into the batter's box, and get ready for our pitch.

Building a SaaS Business Is Like Playing Baseball2022-10-05T17:08:52-07:00

Finding Success in SaaS Using OKRs

For the past few years, Webapper has built its business around some key performance indicators. And with minimal disruption, we've silently pivoted and improved our business. We were able to make transformational progress by setting goals and making our entire team aware of the plan. In fact, our team is all involved in setting up our Objectives & Key Results (OKRs). Here's our guide to finding success in SaaS using OKRs.

Finding Success in SaaS Using OKRs2022-10-05T16:17:49-07:00

SaaS Sales Funnels

What happens if you're struggling with the initial capture of qualified leads? It can certainly happen for both new products and mature ones. Building up revenue requires having ample new opportunities to surpass any customers who churn out. So if your sales need a boost, you may want to develop or improve your SaaS sales funnels.

SaaS Sales Funnels2022-10-05T16:18:34-07:00

SaaS Customer Success

As a long-time SaaS development company, working with a variety of applications over the years, we see the importance of delivering a superior customer experience. SaaS growth is greatly impacted by maximizing customer retention. Customer churn creates a leaky boat, making the goal to quickly get customers to a point where they find value in your SaaS offering. And a powerful tool in that arsenal is building out people, processes, and technology to manage SaaS customer success.

SaaS Customer Success2022-09-14T22:27:45-07:00

Minimizing SaaS Churn and Maximizing Customer Retention

Nearly all SaaS businesses are subscription-based. Growth depends on adding new customers and retaining existing customers. Customer attrition (churn) is the polar opposite of customer retention. SaaS churn is unavoidable -- for a variety of reasons, customers will move on. For a healthy product, it's important to minimize SaaS churn and maximize customer retention.

Minimizing SaaS Churn and Maximizing Customer Retention2022-10-05T16:19:09-07:00
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