Balancing Technical Debt & Feature Development
in SaaS Products

SaaS companies often find themselves caught between two competing priorities: developing new features to stay competitive and managing technical debt to maintain a healthy codebase. This balancing act is crucial for long-term success and sustainability. In simple terms, technical debt refers to the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing a limited solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. It’s like taking out a loan on your code – you get benefits quickly, but you’ll have to pay interest in the form of increased maintenance costs and decreased agility over time. Let’s explore how to conquer technical debt while looking at advantages and drawbacks.

We recently tackled a technical debt issue with one of our clients as illustrated in this case study. We also face this issue with our own SaaS product CloudSee Drive, which is constantly iterating to address the AWS market.

Best Steps to Take

1. Regularly assess and prioritize technical debt.

Conduct code reviews and use tools to identify areas of technical debt.

2. Allocate dedicated time for debt reduction,

Set aside a percentage of development time specifically to address technical debt.

3. Integrate debt reduction into feature development.

When working on new features, improve related existing code simultaneously.

4. Educate stakeholders.

Help non-technical team members understand the importance of managing technical debt.

5. Implement coding standards.

Establish and enforce coding guidelines to prevent the addition of new technical debt.

6. Use a debt tracking system.

Maintain a backlog of technical debt items and their estimated impact.

7. Balance short-term gains with long-term sustainability.

Consider both immediate needs and future scalability when making decisions.

Benefits of Balancing Technical Debt and Feature Development

Improved Product Stability

By addressing technical debt regularly, you reduce the risk of system failures and improve overall product reliability.

Higher Developer Productivity

A clean, well-maintained codebase allows developers to work more efficiently, speeding up bug fixes and new feature development.

Increased Agility

With less technical debt, your team can respond faster to market changes and customer needs to sustain growth.

Potential Drawbacks

Managing technical debt is crucial, but it’s important to consider potential drawbacks.

Slower Feature Rollout

In the short term, dedicating time to technical debt can slow down releases of new features.

Resource Allocation Challenges

Balancing resources between debt reduction and new development can be tricky and may lead to prioritization conflicts.

Measuring ROI

The benefits of reducing technical debt are often intangible and hard to quantify, making it challenging to justify to stakeholders.

Technical Debt & Feature Development in Your SaaS Product

Managing technical debt while developing new features is a critical challenge for SaaS companies. By implementing strategic approaches like regular assessment, dedicated debt reduction time, and stakeholder education, businesses can maintain a healthy balance. This equilibrium leads to improved stability, productivity, and agility, despite potential short-term drawbacks. Ultimately, conquering technical debt is an investment in long-term success, enabling companies to innovate faster, adapt to market changes, and deliver superior products to their customers.

Database Migration Case Study: VisionAST

VisionAST is a SaaS platform that serves the auto, powersports, marine, and RV industries. VisionAST and the Webapper team identified growing technical debt with the underlying database of the system. The goal became clear: migrate database services from Microsoft SQL Server running on Amazon on EC2 to AWS Aurora MySQL.