

Webapper Shared Tips & Resources

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Automated Testing with Selenium

The more likely you are to author tests, the better your results... Automation is the best way to increase test coverage, execution speed, and efficacy in software testing. Automated testing eliminates the tedium of manual, error-prone tests and facilitates unattended (e.g., overnight) testing. Automated testing is an important element in your CI/CD process, and Selenium is a powerful platform for it.

The Increasing Importance of Software Testing

Quality Assurance (QA) directly affects customer experience. It's becoming more important to shift left -- moving testing earlier in the software development process to save time down the road. The importance of software testing cannot be understated. Technology issues can paralyze customers, so having smart processes in place for issue detection and remedy is not optional anymore.

Why You Need a Cloud Native Application Development Strategy

To compete in fast-paced markets, companies must adapt to new methods for designing, building, and delivering applications. If you're still developing in a traditional, monolithic environment or are just getting started with a new software development project, we will explain why you need to consider a cloud native application development strategy.

Creating Your Foundation for SaaS Marketing

If you're marketing (or planning to market) software as a service, you have a significant amount of work ahead. Having worked on a few different SaaS products, we have seen the difficulties firsthand. When marketing works, it's super fun. When prospects ignore you, it's demotivating. We'll outline a strategic framework for creating your foundation for SaaS marketing.

Choosing a SaaS Application Development Platform

If you're committing to developing a SaaS product (to take over your market!), you'll also want to evaluate technology stacks. Perhaps you have in-house expertise in something, but you'll want to verify that it's feasible for SaaS. Bear in mind that you'll be married to this platform for 5-10 years. We'll outline key factors you should address when choosing the best application development platform for your SaaS solution.

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