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Factors Driving Up Your Cloud Costs
We're growing increasingly dependent on cloud computing, and that means costs rise with that growth. We've written about cloud economics before, as it's always important to our clients and associates. As we wrap up another year, it's worth having a look at the factors driving up your cloud costs. It can help with year end reviews and new year planning.
Building a SaaS Business Is Like Playing Baseball
If you're a baseball fan, we're entering the most wonderful time of the year: MLB playoffs and the World Series. In business, we use so many metaphors from baseball, and with the season upon us, we realized how much building SaaS is like playing baseball. Step into the batter's box, and get ready for our pitch.
Secrets of a Successful SaaS Business Development Manager
The overarching goal of any SaaS organization is to build sustainable growth. Predictable Revenue, authored by Aaron Ross, outlined the engine he orchestrated at Salesforce in its early days, taking recurring from one million to one hundred million. That model is a template used by many organizations today, primarily because it's logical, scalable, and often quite effective. We outline the framework as part of our journey through the secrets of a successful business development manager.
The Necessity of Hiring a SaaS Quality Assurance Manager
Bugs happen, and when they do, SaaS customers can churn out. Consequently, it's necessary to hire a SaaS quality assurance manager who can eliminate as many bugs as possible.
The Impact of a Skilled SaaS Lead Developer
Adding to our recommendations to help SaaS providers build a strong core, we must emphasize the importance of hiring a skilled SaaS lead developer. While a superior product manager helps set the vision, a lead developer puts ideas into action.
The Importance of an Excellent SaaS Product Manager
From original vision to bug fixes, the right cornerstone staff will help keep your SaaS ship seaworthy. And the captain of the ship, in most cases, is an excellent SaaS product manager. Here's our take on what that entails.
Making the Case for DevOps
We've been back in the lab, sharpening up our AWS DevOps tools, and it reminded us that not everyone is on board yet. We're here to make the case for DevOps in your software efforts.
Overcoming Objections to Cloud Migration
You may hear some of these common objections to cloud migration. We'll walk through them and explain where they originate and how to overcome them.
8 Critical Hires for Your SaaS Company
HR is certainly a critical element of business strategy, especially building and selling software. Bad hiring sets you back, while good moves pay huge dividends. We’d suggest looking at these 8 critical hires for any SaaS team. At some point, you’ll probably consider (or act on) hiring all of them.
7 Essential Features Your SaaS Company Should Offer
We've seen a rising number of SaaS unicorns and decacorns, businesses that grab huge audiences. Whether you do a case study on Slack or MailChimp or Atlassian, you'll find they have some common characteristics. To illustrate how they grew to be so successful, we'll outline 7 essential features that your SaaS company should offer like they did.
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