

Webapper Shared Tips & Resources

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Why ChatGPT is the Chatbot That Will Take Over the SaaS World

You've no doubt been deluged with stories about ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an important tool that can help improve communication, personalization, accessibility, and efficiency in a wide range of applications. We're all going to find many uses for it. We explain why ChatGPT is the chatbot will take over the SaaS world.

Amazon S3 Security Changes Are Coming

Amazon S3 buckets continue to be the core storage facility for cloud-based systems. The original goal was to ensure that organizations could use public buckets and objects easily, providing tools to limit public access. Because S3 has occasionally been a newsworthy security topic, AWS makes changes to shore them up. In April 2023, several important Amazon S3 security changes are coming, so if you use S3 buckets, you'll want to know what to expect. AWS will roll out the changes all AWS Regions within a few weeks.

Zero Trust Networks

Cybercrime is on the rise, driven by dramatic increases in random and targeted attacks. Threats continue to rise in complexity and scale, impacting businesses, essential services, and individuals. The effects include financial loss, business continuity, reduced productivity, damage to reputation, and legal liability issues. In response, Zero Trust Networking Access is emerging as a powerful mechanism to bolster organizational security.

Does Anyone Use ColdFusion Anymore?

The tools we use for software development continuously evolve, enabling developers to write efficient, effective code to address changing market needs. Choosing a development platform is challenging because each software development framework carries advantages and disadvantages. Since we have a long CFML pedigree (and occasionally controversial opinions on the subject), we wanted to address a question we're asked regularly: does anyone use ColdFusion anymore?

Application Migration Services

We love exchanging ideas about application modernization and cloud migration -- it's what we do. Putting those concepts into another bucket, you could also say we love our involvement with application migration services. Technology morphs, paradigms shift, systems grow obsolete, and someone has to deliver continuity. Since application migration services are in our DNA, we wanted to share our roadmap, with a look into the potential benefits and challenges.

10 Compelling Serverless Use Cases

As we help customers expand their cloud computing capabilities in AWS, we also find ourselves educating organizations not only in what is possible but also more efficient. To illustrate why serverless is gaining popularity in AWS and rival cloud platforms, we wanted to share 10 compelling serverless use cases that demonstrate the simplicity and cost savings it provides.

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