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The Hidden Cost of Legacy Platforms in SaaS
In SaaS, technical debt lurks beneath the surface of many successful platforms, particularly those built on legacy technologies. This invisible burden represents the accumulated cost of choosing expedient solutions over optimal ones – and understanding and managing this debt is crucial for long-term success.
ServaaS Advantages and Disadvantages
ServaaS has emerged as a transformative approach to software delivery and deployment. We explore the advantages and disadvantages of implementing ServaaS solutions in enterprise environments, providing decision-makers with critical insights for strategic planning.
Build vs. Buy: SaaS Integration Strategy
SaaS integrations have become the lifeblood of customer experience and product competitiveness. As product leaders, the critical question isn't whether to integrate, but how to approach integration development: should you build from scratch or leverage existing integration platforms?
Hidden AI Challenges in SaaS
If you're in SaaS, you're probably feeling the pressure to integrate AI into your product. But before you jump on the AI bandwagon, let's talk about the hidden AI challenges in SaaS.
SaaS vs. Services as Software
The digital business landscape has given rise to two commonly confused terms: Software as a Service (SaaS) and Service as Software. This comprehensive guide breaks down the fundamental differences between these transformative business concepts and explores their impact on modern organizations. We’ve written about Services as Software before but wanted to explain the differences in SaaS vs. Service as Software in more detail.
The AI Data Revolution in SaaS
Let's talk about the elephant in your data warehouse. You've got terabytes of valuable data scattered across your systems, but how can you make sense of it all? That's been about as fun as a DDoS attack. But there's good news: the AI data revolution in SaaS is finally making data integration not just bearable, but actually transformative for your business. Here's what SaaS CEOs need to know about modern data integration.
Services as Software
Think about traditional SaaS - you pay for tools like Salesforce or HubSpot, then your team has to learn them and actually do the work. It's like buying a fancy kitchen - you still need to cook the meals yourself. But AI is changing the model.
From Monolith to Microservices on AWS
Let's face it - your monolithic application has served you well, but it's starting to show its age. As your company grows, that monolith is probably feeling more like a boulder weighing down your development team. We get it - we've been there. Let's talk about moving from monolith to microservices on AWS without giving yourself a migraine.
Application Modernization Challenges
Application modernization challenges continue to pose significant obstacles for organizations undertaking digital transformation initiatives. As organizations strive to update their legacy systems, understanding these key application modernization challenges becomes crucial for IT leaders planning their modernization strategy.
Application Modernization Playbook
Use this application modernization playbook to cut through the noise and make a clear-eyed assessment of your needs.
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